Travel Nursing Jobs in San Luis Obispo, California

What Is A Travel Nurse?

A travel nurse is an RN that fills short-term employment gaps. While travel nurses will have a similar role as staff nurses, there are some notable differences between travel RNs. One of the major differentiators is that travel nurses have to acclimate to new environments, care areas and facilities quickly while providing high-quality care.

Job duties featured photo

Travel Nurse Duties

Travel nurse responsibilities include:

  • Assessing and monitoring patients’ health
  • Administering medications
  • Providing ordered treatments
  • Teaching patients how to optimize their health

Travel Nurse Education Requirements

The educational requirements for travel RNs are the same as other nursing jobs. While some travel agencies may prefer BSN-prepared nurses, nurses with an associate degree or diploma are also eligible to be travel nurses.

Licensed practical travel nurses only require completion of an LPN program. In California and Texas, nurses in this role may be referred to as travel LVNs. Some medical surgical travel nurse positions may be open to both RNs and LPNs.

Travel Nurse Salary & Job Outlook

The need for travel nurses has grown significantly during the last several years, with the number of travel nurses increasing by 35-40%. There are approximately 50,000 travel nurses across the US. But the growing stresses on the healthcare system, travel nursing has seen growth that far outpaces many other fields of nursing.

The overall travel nurse job outlook is better than many other types of nursing and continues to grow. Salary can vary depending on your specialty, work experience, education, skills, certifications and the location of the facility that is in need.

At Sunbelt, we pride ourselves on providing personalized career support that focuses on more than just your next assignment. Let us use our unmatched knowledge, unwavering commitment and unrivaled grit to advocate for you and empower you to find a travel nurse job that is your perfect fit!

Our agency provides comprehensive benefits. You will have a dedicated recruiter who can help you with relocation and housing assistance as you adjust to life in new locations. Start browsing jobs and start applying today!

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